The Plain Dealer: “Oberlin developer trio aims to remake former Fairmont Creamery”
Three young developers who won national attention for remaking a blighted block in Oberlin are ready to tackle their second project, a near-vacant former creamery building in Cleveland's Tremont neighborhood, writes Michelle Jarboe for The Plain Dealer.
Once part of a nationwide dairy network, the 100,000-square-foot Fairmont Creamery sits in the slope of the city's industrial valley. Now Sustainable Community Associates, a development company that aims to balance profits and progressive values, sees the 1930s brick building as a link in another chain. By transforming the property with apartments, a gym and offices, the developers hope to attract other investors to an isolated stretch between two vibrant near-west neighborhoods.
"It would be a transformational project for that corner of the neighborhood, no doubt," said Cory Riordan, executive director of Tremont West Development Corp., a nonprofit group. "There's sort of that gap that sits between these real estate markets of Tremont and Ohio City, and this would go a long way toward filling that gap."
Read Jarboe's full article in The Plain Dealer.
This article was originally published on February 2, 2013 in The Plain Dealer. For more information on The Fairmont Creamery, visit